This book would make an excellent gift for a Christian in any stage of the journey. It would also make a wonderful Bible study for teens and adults alike. The book is a compilation of three-word phrases designed to help the Christian lead a more Christ-like life. Relevant Bible verses accompany each phrase.
How exactly does a person lead a life that is more Christ-like? I have always struggled with this, since Christ was, well, Christ. How can an ordinary human live up to his standard? This book helps with this, taking key passages from the Bible and summing each up with a quick, three-word sound byte that makes it easy to understand how we can walk as Christ did.
This is definitely a book that was meant to be savored slowly. Sure, you could quickly read through the three-word phrases, and you'd get something out of it from page one. But it would be so valuable to take each phrase one at a time, studying the Bible verses with each phrase, and reading further into the relevant Bible passages. This book would make an excellent Bible study, and I plan to spend more time with it over the next few months.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is confused about how to lead a Christ-like life.
Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review.
Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review.
Five out of Five Stars
Lead, Serve, Love: 100 Three-Word Ways to Be Like Jesus
Gregory E. Lang
Thomas Nelson, 2011
Thanks so much for your kind review!