Women are Scary is ostensibly a book about how to find, make, and keep female friends while managing to be a mother at the same time. What it ends up being is a humorous memoir about the difficulties that mothers have trying to maintain adult friendships. Which, as most moms get, is a tough thing to do.
I'm still not quite sure what to make of this book. It starts off very funny, but the style started to wear on me after a while. The author is a blogger, and while I'm sure her writing style is perfect for a blog, I think there just isn't enough substance here to be worthy of a full length book. The premise is interesting, but you can't buy this book thinking it's going to be full of awesome relationship advice. For moms out there, truly, I think we know who makes a good fit for us and who doesn't. It all comes down to the time that we have for socializing.
This book is valuable if you just want a good bubble-bath kind of a read that's going to cheer you up at the end of a long day full of too much spit-up and not enough adult conversation. This book is going to remind you that you are fulfilling a very important God-given role, and that you are not the only one who doesn't channel June Cleaver every day.
I also appreciate this book because it acknowledges all mothers equally - adoptive, birth, "working", "stay-at-home" and every other label that society has put upon us. It also has some incredible suggestions for simple charitable works that mothers can do while on play-date outings with each other. I'll be looking into some of these ideas myself, and the book is worth a read if only for those suggestions.
Three out of Five Stars
Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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